ISTE being a Non-Profit making and one of the largest Autonomous Society focusing to enhance the quality of Technical Education and its allied areas in the Nation at large. Every year, ISTE New Delhi felicitates BEST STUDENT OF THE YEAR IN CHAPTER (degree and/or diploma awarding institutes) nominated from the State Section during National Student Convention. Also, all the students nominated having valid nomination with requisite details provided are awarded at the ISTE Annual State Students Convention.
All the award nominations are evaluated based on the nominations received in the format below. However, award categorization is recommended by the appointed award scrutiny committee at the State Section level. These awards are annual awards. The activities in the thrust areas related to technical education improvement of ISTE under the activities of the established student chapter becomes eligible for nomination and, are considered for evaluation and selection from the nomination entries received along with necessary evidential documents.
The best entry is recommended for the National Award and Recognition. The other valid entries are selected for felicitation at State-level during the State Annual Student Convention. Each ISTE Student Chapter will identify and recommend a name of one student with supporting details as mentioned below as the Best Student of the Chapter for the award year duration of activities.
Who can Apply ?
The nomination is to be done for an ISTE Student Member within an ISTE Student Chapter.
The nomination to be done by the Institute head through Faculty Advisor with a forwarding letter of nomination (attach in the form) with institute seal and stamp, signed by the institute head and faculty advisor.
Following are required details of for nomination of student member for the award and recognition at State Convention –
(i) Full name as per records of ISTE and the institute
(ii) Enrollment number
(iii) Branch of study
(iv) Year of ongoing study
(v) ISTE Student membership number with a photocopy of valid ISTE I-Card during award period
(vi) List of activities lead by the student under ISTE Student Chapter in the above mentioned duration with accolades, certificates if any, may be attached for reference information. Involvement in ISTE Student Chapter activities will be given preference
(vii) Contact address of student
(viii) Mobile number and Email ID of student
(ix) Name and contact details of student chapter faculty advisor
(x) Name and contact details of institutional head.
Selection Process
The Award Committee will scrutinize the applications/nominations for its validity and recommend the name of the student for the respective award.
Step 1:
• Fill in the form on the website of ISTE Gujarat Section in requisite format availing error-free information, evidential documents in support and credentials in connection to the nomination.
Step 2:
• An Award committee constituted by the Chairman-ISTE Gujarat Section will scrutinize all the submissions of nomination forms, check for the correctness of the data in the nomination form and finalize the name of the member. In case, if need be, the section may ask for availing evidential documents as appropriate to finalize the awardee.
Step 3:
• The ISTE Institutional Member as recommended by the Committee will be honoured with the said Award in ISTE Annual Student Convention / ISTE State Annual Student Convention of the respective year.