For centuries women were not treated equal to men in many ways. They were not allowed to vote, to own property, they did not have a share in the property of their parents and they had no right to take decision concerning their own lives. Now that we have come out of those dark days of subjugation of women there is a need for a strong movement for the empowerment of women. The idea for this Women Development Cell has been inspired with a vision for empowerment of women and to suggest measures for achieving this end.
With the changing time it has become very significant to have equal space and contribution from women in each and every field to have over all development of the society. In the field of science, engineering and technology also it is a need of the time that girls/women step into. ISTE Manini (Women Development Cell) is dedicated to promoting technical and scientific education amongst the girls around the world. Not only has this but ISTE Manini (Women Development Cell) with girls in Technical Education strives to show concern for the women around empowering them. The women should be in the position of taking control of and responsibility for their lives and situation with all human rights. The empowerment of women is increasingly being taken in the agendas of international development organizations, perhaps more as a means to achieve gender equality than as an end in itself. The empowerment of women includes empowerment at individual level, at group level and at last at community or societal level and at the same time interaction amongst all these.
In the present time empowerment of women has become one of the most important concerns at global level. The initiatives and efforts by the Government to ensure gender equality are noteworthy but society must act proactively towards contribution for the creation of society where women have a better world to live in as an equal human being.
There is a new conscious woman (MANINI) emerging; mindful; hardworking; busy and responsible.
The women cell seeks to empower women faculty and girl students and educate them on gender related issues, showcasing their talents, boosting their confidence by identifying their strength areas and motivating them for having their individuality and identity with their career advancement.
To make a unique platform for the development of all women stakeholders, by providing them opportunities to contribute towards the betterment of the society.
Assist women in achieving full potential in education, career & personal life through academic & intellectual growth and personal empowerment.
The Cell would facilitate healthy and pleasant working environment for women. The Cell would facilitate & inspire women for attaining higher education so that the future scope is maximized. The Cell would organize awareness program and camps for the under-privileged women in the society.
As per ISTE Gujarat Section Management Committee meeting held on 21st January 2015 at the VVP Engineering College, Rajkot, below is a proposal along with the operational guidelines for further consideration:
1) The existing ISTE norms will be the governing norms being the cell established at an Institutional Member of ISTE.
2) We humbly request to establish an ISTE MANINI (WOMEN DEVELOPMENT CELL) with every ISTE Faculty Chapter.
3) The Managing Committee for the ISTE MANINI (WOMEN DEVELOPMENT CELL) at chapter level shall consist of six members as follows:
Manini Cell Advisor (1), Secretary (1), Treasurer (1), and, Committee Members (3)
The above are to be nominated/elected annually. At least 2 meetings of the Managing Committee of ISTE MANINI (WOMEN DEVELOPMENT CELL) must be held every year and minutes noted and maintained in a book of records at cell level. A procedure shall be followed at IM Local level – Appointing a Returning Officer (ISTE LM) by the Institutional Head; Announcement of Nomination for various posts; voting procedure and protocols as per ISTE; Confidential voting process from all females associated at ISTE Institutional Member; declaration of results by the Returning Officer. In case of any disputes/procedural setup, the Institutional Head shall be empowered and decision making authority to ensuring transparency, accountability and democratic approach in the Manini Cell at all times.
4) There should be 1 woman representative at the ISTE SMC – Section Managing Committee.
5) Minimum 1 woman representative must be elected from every state as an Executive ISTE member for the National Executive Committee.
6) At least 1 AICTE-ISTE Short Term Training Program (STTP) must be organized in every state exclusively for women faculty members.
7) There must be a provision for a National ISTE Awards for Best Woman Faculty Members in Polytechnic and Engineering College.
8) 1 girl student must be elected in every ISTE Student Chapter.
9) A regional award exclusively for women faculty members must be brought about.
10) Best Thesis Award at M. Tech and Ph. D. must be brought out exclusively for women.
11) Suggested activities under the cell may include for organizing events related to empowering women in society, spreading awareness on important topics related to technology & advancements, legal advisory aspects, health-nutrition, gender sensitization, safety and prevention of sexual harassment at workplace and like wise in benefit of females of society as well as students. The Cell may organized themed celebration of National/International days as of the following (indicative list only), each year:
- 12 February as – National Youth Day
- 6 February as – International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation
- 13 February – National Women’s Day (Birthday of Sarojini Naidu ji)
- 8 March as – International Women’s Day
- 15 May as – International Day of the Family
- 4 June as – International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
- 23 June as – International Widows’ Day
- 26 August as – Women’s Equality Day
- 1 – 7 September as – National Nutrition Week
- 5 September as – Teacher’s Day
- 17 September as – National Women’s Friendship Day
- 22 September as – Business Women’s Day
- October Month as – Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- 15 October as – International Day of Rural Women
- 25 November as – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Documentation of the each of the events is advised.
12) Financial resources for activities shall be worked out at the cell level by the committee, however, an alternative of sponsorship may be explored. For important and mega events, ISTE Gujarat Section may be approached for a direct-funding assistance up on receipt of a request, the SMC of ISTE Gujarat shall discuss and avail assistance as possible.
13) ISTE Gujarat Section has institutionalized an Award dedicated to Female Life members as “ISTE-VBT STATE AWARD FOR THE BEST WOMAN TEACHING FACULTY IN DEGREE ENGINEERING COLLEGE” promoted by the Vidyabharti Trust, Umrakh-Bardoli, Surat District in the year 2014-2015. Nominations are invited for the award since the year 2015-2016. The award is especially to recognize and appreciate the efforts of a female faculty life member of ISTE.
A National Conference was organized by S. N. Patel Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Umrakh, Bardoli on topic of “Women in 21st Century: Concerns & Issues” during 11-12 April, 2015 Proceeding as ISBN publication is available at – CLICK HERE