How to establish an ISTE Chapter ?


The Institution, where the Chapter is to be established, must have been approved by the AICTE and also must be an Institutional Member of ISTE.
Enroll at least by filling up the application forms and returning them to ISTE Headquarters alongwith the membership fee by way of a DD in favour of “ISTE, New Delhi”. Please don’t club the student membership fee with faculty membership fee as there is a separate account of student membership. Cards to students will be issued for entire duration of the course initially in their first year.

On receiving the above, ISTE office will send you the following :

  • Student Chapter Formation Certificate 
  • Cards to respective students

On receipt of the above details, convene a meeting of the ISTE Student members to elect the following office bearers (with contact details) and send the list to ISTE HQ and ISTE Gujarat Section as:

  • Student Chairperson
  • Student Secretary cum Treasurer
  • 3 to 7 members as committee members
  • Faculty advisor

Arrange the inauguration of the Chapter in a befitting function and conduct the following activities (in-campus / online):

  • Organise weekly quiz programmes for members.
  • Organise lectures by experts from industry, R&D organisations, defence services, government departments and other institutions.
  • Coaching programme for writing competitive examinations and attending job interview.
  • Training programme on report writing, Project Management
  • Counselling Services
  • Entrepreneurship development programmes
  • Lectures on Moral Values and Ethics
  • Discussions, brain-storming sessions, group activities
  • Training in public speaking; soft-skills, leadership
  • Training in becoming a Master Student
  • Visits to industry, work sites
  • Programmes in leadership and personality development
  • Training in co-operative learning
  • Training on Environmental Awareness
  • Training on Basic Management Skills
  • Any activity that improve the technical understanding / impart professional skills

Minimum strength to establish ISTE student chapter (first time) in AICTE approved institution is 100 students or 50% of annual intake (whichever is less) provided institute is institutional member of ISTE first.

It needs to be ensured that the latest details of student body is sent to ISTE HQ along with payment of fees to ISTE HQ and ISTE Gujarat Section from time to time (each of which with enrolment of new members).

For Student Chapter: 

It can retain their share 50% of basic fee out of total fee collected – EVERY YEAR WITH ENROLMENT OF NEW STUDENT MEMBERS


Total sum of the following has to be shown saperately in tabulated form and the sum amount to be sent to ISTE Delhi for necessary action”

Further steps to be done:

  • Prepare a forwarding letter for submission
  • Include a DD favoring “I.S.T.E.” payable at “NEW DELHI
  • List of students with name, enrollment number, branch of study, break-up of fees and total amount (tabulated form)
  • Email with all above details to be sent to:
  • Original documents to be sent to – The Executive Secretary, Indian Society for Technical Education, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, Near Katwaria Sarai, Opp. Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi – 110 016

For ISTE Gujarat State Section: 

Send the following to ISTE Gujarat
  • Copy of all documents sent to ISTE HQ
  • DD of State Section Share favoring “SECR CUM TREASURER I S T E GUJARAT” payable at “Vadodara” or online payment transaction advise 

The Bank account details are furnished below for your reference:

  • Name of the Account: SECR CUM TREASURER I S T E GUJARAT
  • Name of the Bank: BANK OF BAORDA
  • Branch: VITTHAL UDYOGNAGAR, Gujarat
  • Type of the Account : SAVINGS
  • Account Number : 02010100009950
  • IFSC Code : BARB0VUNAGA [ Fifth character is Zero] 
  • MICR Code: 388012016

Download Student membership form here

Distribution of ISTE Student Membership Fee

Consequent to the decision taken by the Executive Council in its ISTE Executive Council Meeting held at Gulzar Group of Institutions, Khanna, Ludhiana (Punjab) on 10th February 2017, the distribution of student membership fee stands  modified in the following proportion:

Chapter : 50% of the basic fee

Section : 20% of the basic fee

H.Q. : 30% of the basic fee

No deduction of share in admission fee of Rs.50/-

Basic fee after deduction + Admission fee of Rs.50/- is to be sent to ISTE Hqrs. by the concerned student chapter as per the distribution.

The information to be provided along with list of students

Column heads for the table shall be in order of

Sr. No. – Name of student – Enrollment No. – Branch – Year – Semester – Years of membership – Basic fee – Admission fee – GST @18% – Total fee to be collected – Kept Share with Chapter – Share to be sent to HQ – Share to be sent to Gujarat Section – Remarks

Below table shows the distribution of basic fee, to used in preparing a table having heads as shown above.

Student Membership

Basic Fee

Admission Fee (Compulsory)

GST @ 18% (Compulsory)

Total Fee to be collected

4 Years

Rs. 200/-

+  50

+  45

= Rs. 295/- per student

3 Years

Rs. 150/-

+  50

+  36

= Rs. 236/- per student

2 Years

Rs. 100/-

+  50

+  27

= Rs. 177/- per student

After Deducting Chapter Share, following to be paid to ISTE ND and State Section

Student Membership

Total Fee to be collected (per student)

Share to be kept Chapter @ 50% of Basic Fee (per student)

Payment to ISTE HQ inclusive of Admission fee & GST (per student)

Payment to ISTE Gujarat Section (per student)

4 Years

= Rs. 295/- per student

Rs. 100/-

Rs. 155/-

Rs. 40/-

3 Years

= Rs. 236/- per student

Rs. 75/-

Rs. 131/-

Rs. 30/-

2 Years

= Rs. 177/- per student

Rs. 50/-

Rs. 107

Rs. 20/-

UPDATE THE INFORMATION OF student chapter details